The derelict ship anomaly. (2024)



74 Badges

May 27, 2007
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (19)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (21)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (22)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (23)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (25)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (26)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (27)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (29)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (30)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (31)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (39)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (40)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (48)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (49)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (50)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (51)
  • Mar 25, 2023
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  • #1

I always recall getting bad rolls for this so I still ignore it.

How it works nowadays? How many outcomes there are?


Field Marshal

28 Badges

May 15, 2016
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (56)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (57)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (58)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (59)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (60)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (61)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (62)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (63)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (64)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (65)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (66)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (70)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (71)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (72)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (79)
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  • Mar 25, 2023
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  • #2

You can get good results, but I usually ignore it too.

  • 2




74 Badges

May 27, 2007
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (87)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (88)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (89)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (90)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (91)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (92)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (95)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (96)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (97)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (99)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (100)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (101)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (102)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (103)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (104)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (109)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (110)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (111)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (112)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (114)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (115)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (116)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (118)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (119)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (121)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (122)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (123)
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  • Mar 25, 2023
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  • #3

Yes I know there were positives but losing a scientist isa big no no, so what are the current negatives and odds of getting them?


Field Marshal

24 Badges

May 1, 2016
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (138)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (139)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (140)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (141)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (142)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (143)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (144)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (145)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (146)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (147)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (148)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (149)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (150)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (151)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (152)
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  • Mar 25, 2023
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  • #4

The god ones are miniscule, the bad ones incredibly punishing. There's no real reason to do it.



39 Badges

Jan 16, 2018
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (161)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (162)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (163)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (164)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (165)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (166)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (167)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (168)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (169)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (170)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (171)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (172)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (173)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (174)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (175)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (176)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (177)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (178)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (179)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (180)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (181)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (182)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (183)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (184)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (185)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (186)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (187)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (188)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (189)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (190)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (191)
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  • Mar 25, 2023
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  • #5

This is all just my experiences and might just be bias...

If you use a leader with the carefree trait, which reduces anomaly research time, you are guaranteed to fail...
If you use nearly any other leader you have a fair chance of not failing.
If you use a leader with the meticulous (the one that also reduces archeology speed seems to work) trait you succeed.

I've heard that leader level can also help, but I've not paid that much attention to levels to see if that fits with my experiences.

Rewards... some research is common with a rare chance that the ship crew isn't dead and you get a first contact event.
Risks... your ship will explode and unless you remove the leader they will die as well.


Starfire Breeze


12 Badges

Oct 8, 2022
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (202)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (203)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (204)
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  • Mar 26, 2023
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  • #6

Anomaly events of this sort, which provide (at best) a modest upside and a high chance of a significantly punishing downside could really use some taking a step back to ask what the intent of adding/keeping that event is.

Experienced players will recognize the event and likely just avoid it (or maybe hire a L1 dummy scientist to sacrifice to it, if they really want to take the gamble).

New players will (typically) get an unpleasant mousetrapped-by-the-game experience where you have to learn there's an event the game gives you that you really just want to ignore (punishing the new player for not having memorized all these things that they have yet to encounter).

I'm not sure what the intent of adding that particular event is, but it doesn't seem like one that really improves on the game experience either way.

Edit: The (relatively recently added) first contact event is mostly downside, too, if you think about it. First, you don't get the influence from completing the first contact, and if I'm remembering correctly (maybe I'm conflating this with a different event?), the way that particular first contact works, you don't even get to declare a first contact disposition (friendly/cautious/hostile), so you also lose out on other beneficial parts of a first contact event.

  • 5
  • 1



Field Marshal

28 Badges

May 15, 2016
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (215)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (216)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (217)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (218)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (219)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (220)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (221)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (222)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (223)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (224)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (225)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (226)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (227)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (228)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (229)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (230)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (231)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (232)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (233)
  • The derelict ship anomaly. (234)
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  • The derelict ship anomaly. (236)
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  • Mar 26, 2023
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  • #7

Starfire Breeze said:

Edit: The (relatively recently added) first contact event is mostly downside, too, if you think about it. First, you don't get the influence from completing the first contact, and if I'm remembering correctly (maybe I'm conflating this with a different event?), the way that particular first contact works, you don't even get to declare a first contact disposition (friendly/cautious/hostile), so you also lose out on other beneficial parts of a first contact event.

Yeah it's a lot like the equally-old Sublight Probes chain, where the "bonus" for finding one is that you lose out on all possible anomalies in that system.

Some things get updated, other things get left behind.

  • 2
  • 1



Masked Ermine

Apr 26, 2021
    • Mar 26, 2023
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    • #8

    HFY said:

    Yeah it's a lot like the equally-old Sublight Probes chain, where the "bonus" for finding one is that you lose out on all possible anomalies in that system.

    Some things get updated, other things get left behind.

    The worst part of that one is that the event chain doesn't spawn in the first system your science ship jumps to. I've had it spawn in like five years in, and the satellites are in systems I've already surveyed...which makes it doubly pointless, if not infuriating (as the satellites spawn in systems without development, which means if the satellite spawns a hostile entity you can get screwed by it (usually the entity is no big deal but if it's one of the void will kill at least one or two ships before going down which is a lot for early game alloys and expansion).

    • 2



    Field Marshal

    98 Badges

    Aug 13, 2012
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    • The derelict ship anomaly. (243)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (244)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (245)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (246)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (247)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (248)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (249)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (250)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (251)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (252)
    • The derelict ship anomaly. (253)
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    • The derelict ship anomaly. (255)
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    • Mar 26, 2023
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    • #9

    If you actually read the first anomaly event text, you can tell the outcome, and if it's going to be the bad one (doesn't mention the parasites/no reward), unassign the scientist from the ship. Ship still goes boom, but the scientist lives.

    Also looking at the script for the project, no modifiers for scientist traits, just a 50 weight to get the "good" outcome, 30 weight to get the bad outcome, and 20 weight to establish comms with an unknown empire (must be at least one unknown empire).


    Field Marshal

    52 Badges

    Apr 16, 2018
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      • #10

      20% chance to establish contact with another empire and gain +25 Opinion with them
      50% chance to get some society research
      30% chance for the science ship to be destroyed

      If you get the bad outcome, you can still save the scientist by moving them off the ship the moment you get the first notification, since there's a delay of 10 days before the ship is destroyed.



      Lt. General

      1 Badges

      Aug 9, 2019
      • The derelict ship anomaly. (258)
      • Mar 26, 2023
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      • #11

      Ryika said:

      20% chance to lose influence on first contact becasue you establish contact with another empire (and gain +25 Opinion with them)

      (added italics)
      So, basically 50% bad, 50% useless.


      Field Marshal

      52 Badges

      Apr 16, 2018
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        • #12

        Franton said:

        (added italics)
        So, basically 50% bad, 50% useless.

        Not necessarily. The empire you establish contact with is scripted to be relatively far away from you, so if you get any influence from them, then probably relatively late, and there's a good chance you'd get automatic contact with them anyway.

        And if you're open to abusing favors, there's a good chance you'll get a huge amount of resources from an empire that you would likely not have met for a long time.

        • 1The derelict ship anomaly. (260)




        Lt. General

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        Aug 9, 2019
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        • #13

        Ryika said:

        Not necessarily. The empire you establish contact with is scripted to be relatively far away from you, so if you get any influence from them, then probably relatively late, and there's a good chance you'd get automatic contact with them anyway.

        And if you're open to abusing favors, there's a good chance you'll get a huge amount of resources from an empire that you would likely not have met for a long time.

        Yes, that is a fair point. especially after the foundation of the Galactic Community, the chances of successfully going through a first contact process is near zero.



        74 Badges

        May 27, 2007
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        • The derelict ship anomaly. (268)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (269)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (270)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (271)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (272)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (273)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (274)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (275)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (276)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (277)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (278)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (279)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (280)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (281)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (282)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (283)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (284)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (285)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (286)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (287)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (288)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (289)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (290)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (291)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (292)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (293)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (294)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (295)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (296)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (297)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (298)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (299)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (300)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (301)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (302)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (303)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (304)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (305)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (306)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (307)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (308)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (309)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (310)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (311)
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (312)
        • Mar 26, 2023
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        • #14

        Thanks for the answers, hopefully Pdox notices this and improves this anomaly and the probes situation.



        1 Badges

        Oct 18, 2019
        • The derelict ship anomaly. (314)
        • Mar 26, 2023
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        • #15

        You can do it later, with an old scientist who is going to die from old age soon anyway, or some event scientist you don't need and will dismiss soon. Dont some caravaneers offer a scientist for 200 food sometimes?

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        The derelict ship anomaly. (2024)
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